For your inner tranquility
As much as 300,000 tons of oyster shells a year are left unattended and go on to pollute the ocean. Nature N wants to solve this problem. After years of research, Nature N has created a product that emphasizes Korean beauty while being able to utilize the discarded oyster shells. Everyday Nature N aims to strive towards a more sustainable planet.

oyster shells
All Nature N products are made from recycled discarded oyster shells

My hometown of Geoje Island is known for its thriving oyster farming industry. Oysters contain a substance called 'phosphorus,' which gives oyster shells a beautiful appearance. However, about 20 years ago, we realized that these shells were causing environmental problems. During the summer, decaying oyster shells produced a strong unpleasant smell, leading to conflicts between oyster farmers and local residents. We also discovered that wastewater from the shells was polluting the sea. This motivated me to find a solution to the environmental issues caused by oyster shells. I started a business that repurposes these shells into incense products, designed with Korean aesthetics, to raise global awareness about the problem and help address it.