Project 1907 is an upcycling lifestyle brand that aims for a greener world. Seeing so much waste and plastic pollution, the founder wanted to create a brand that could study and develop plastic alternatives that could lead to a much more eco-friendly consumption of goods and raw materials. Paving the way towards a plastic free society and more sustainable planet for future generations.
The average person in South Korea consumes 98 kilograms of plastic annually. Most plastic is not disposed of properly or is unable to be recycled properly and thus ends up wandering once again through our ecosystem. We unknowingly consume up to 5g of microplastics every week through bottled water, fish and shellfish. It is the equivalent of eating microplastics the size of a credit card every week.
For our personal health as well as for the future preservation of the planet, ‘Project 1907’ seeks to make a world without plastic a real possibility.